Thursday, September 8, 2011

i shop therefore::In this issue we are looking into the world of consumer culture from different point of views; ethical, social, political, economical and humanistic i shop therefore

i shop therefore::In this issue we are looking into the world of consumer culture from different point of views; ethical, social, political, economical and humanistic.
Shopping has turned into a lifestyle.
We consume as leisure and a way to pass time.
At what point does the accumulation of material goods become less fulfilling and more stressful and overwhelming?
Our consumption grows in the same pace as our economic growth.
Studies shows that in hundred years we consume eight times as much per capita as today.
Can our globe take such a strain?
It is all about what we buy and what we choose to invest in, the world we live in will be the result of those choices.
In the future consumption will be more about experiences and services than things.
Perhaps giving will be more important than having.
Are the companies, who survive on our consumption, prepared for this transition?
On top of this an interview with mathilda tham, guest professor at beckmans school of design.
There were a couple things that stood out in particular to me on this.
The first was this thought: in the future consumption will be more about experiences and services than things.
Perhaps giving will be more important than having.
Buying brands in an effort to say things about themselves.
This statement goes beyond utility though and talks about supporting brands that make the world a better place, not just our own lives.
In this regard, my mind immediately goes to , where purchasing a pair of toms not only gets you a pair of shoes, but also gives one to a child in need somewhere around the globe.
This is all further cementing the direction things have been moving in for quite some time.
Especially with younger shoppers.
People are becoming more conscious about what they buy, what went into producing it and what happens to their dollars postpurchase.
The evolution of this is going from purchasing products and services that do something only for our own good to supporting products that also do something for others in need or for the betterment of our planet.
To be excluded means death and to avoid being excluded people do what all other people are doing, in this case shop!
In my mind, this says marketers need to do things with our marketing that supports and informs these changes.
The brands that start helping people feel better about their spending habits and where their money is going are going to get ahead quickly.
How can brands do this?
By creating experiences for, or sharing experiences with, people.
It is through doing and seeing others do things that we learn and change our own actions.
Being that the child has never felt it before, they inevitably touch it to learn for themselves.
Them to help you.
Make them feel as much a part of the experience as possible.
Let them decide how much they want to get involved, but give them every opportunity you can to join in.
Read when you have a few free minutes as there are some interesting things in it to consider as you think about the future of marketing and advertising.

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