I have written an article regarding how to clean cat urine from carpets.
And know that it works very effectively so without wasting time i adapted the carpet cleaning recipe to use on my mattress.
I really had nothing to lose as either i cleaned it effectively or i bought a new mattress.
I can think of nothing worse than going to bed every night with the smell of cat pee assaulting my nostrils.
Sprinkle a good handful of baking soda over the stain.
Leave it to work for 15 minutes then begin blotting again.
To deter your cat from urinating on the bed purchase a plastic tarp and drape it over the bed.
Your cat will not like the feel of it and hopefully it will discourage it from peeing on the bed.
I also recommend a product called ssscat.
It is a motion activated spray which delivers a burst of air to frighten your cat away from an area.
It is completely safe and harmless.
For more information visit the website.
cleaning cat urine from carpets::Note: cat owners should always look
for the causes of inappropriate elimination first, to eliminate urinary
tract disorders, and of course, to effectively eliminate the problem
cleaning cat urine from carpets
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