In some cases, the temperture of steam could conceivably melt some carpet fibers.
Melting point of nylon is about 140 degrees.
Polypropelene about 120 degrees.
This is a process whereby the machine heats water to a safe temperature, administers it into the carpet, then extracts it.
This normally loosens and extracts loose or surface dirt.
Crap, meaning over scrubbing.
Actually, any soap that does not leave a film on the fibers will do.
Soap film left on carpet attracts dirt.
Most market cleaners are safe, some may be better than others.
It does not leave a film.
Mix a little with cold, not hot water, sponge some onto the spill, rinse the sponge, blot excess soap mixture.
Even shampoo can be used for mild cleaning.
With a rinsed or clean sponge, blot clear water onto the carpet, then rinse and continue blotting until all the soap is gone.
Do not flood the carpet.
That could be absorbed down to the padding.
This occurs with pet urine.
Leave it for a few hours or overnight.
This will wick up the moisture.
Not promoting but sham wow does the same as a towel, maybe better.
Never rub the carpet surface.
Rubbing will distort the twist of the fibers and the tips will become frayed.
That only drives the stain to the backing and into the pad, only to reappear later.
If you decide to hire professionals, be aware.
Lots of scams out there.
Some of those know less than you do, and merely rent a machine as you might do.
I have no interest in any cleaning service.
They used to be located in chicago, may still.
You may get professional advice there.
wet carpet cleaner::It actually starts well before the stain is created
wet carpet cleaner
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