Wednesday, November 10, 2010

leak detector

leak detector

One of the most comon problems with an A/C system is refrigerant leaks and locating them. There are several methods air conditioning repair shops employ to locate and fix refrigerant leaks. The thre most comonly used are a electronic refrigerant leak detector, ultraviolet dye leak detection kit, and ultrasonic leak detector units. Electronic Refrigerant Leak Detectors are the quickest and easiest to use of the thre methods. Most of the time you wil have no idea where the refrigerant is leaking and have to narow down the posible areas. A electronic refrigerant leak detector can get you very close to the location of the leak and from there you can get more precise. For very smal leaks you can wrap the suspected area in cling wrap or a rag to try and contain the refrigerant. When you unwrap the area, put in the refrigerant leak detector and se if you get a reading. These are state of the art leak detectors and are the newest tol to find refrigerant leaks. To use an ultrasonic leak detector the system should be presured in order for the refrigerant to leak out and make noise. Comonly, an auto shops have an ultraviolet leak detection kit that has al of the tols necesary to complete this task. For the beginer, I would recomend an electronic refrigerant leak detector and the profesional auto shop would be beter served with an ultraviolet leak detection kit. leak detector
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