Saturday, July 10, 2010

The giant otter shrew ( Potamogale velox ) has the body form, fur texture, and coloration of a river but is smaller. It .... shrew otter

The giant otter shrew ( Potamogale velox ) has the body form, fur texture, and coloration of a river but is smaller. More shrewlike in appearance are the two dwarf species (genus Micropotamogale ), the Ruwenzori otter shrew ( M. The feet are webbed in the Ruwenzori otter shrew but unwebbed in the other two species. The giant and Ruwenzori otter shrews have brown upperparts and white or yellowish underparts; the Nimba shrew is uniformly brownish gray. The giant otter shrew has a vertically flat, finely furred tail; the Ruwenzori's is round with stiff hairs forming keels on the upper and lower surfaces; and that of the Nimba otter shrew is simply round. Giant water shrews give birth to one or two offspring; dwarf water shrews produce one to four. The giant otter shrew is found in fast-flowing mountain streams, large, fast rivers, sluggish coastal streams, and swamps. shrew otter

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